Senin, 08 September 2008

Field Meaning

From windows Commande Help

A menu file is a normal text file which describes the main menu. If you want to change the main menu by hand, you should save it with a different name, otherwise it will be overwritten with your next update!!!

Every submenu starts with the command POPUP, followed by the title of the submenu in double quotation marks ("). Popup Menus can have submenus themselves. In the title, a letter with a & in front of it will be underlined and can be jumped at with ALT+Letter. Example for a popup menu:

POPUP "&Files"

- A menu item is defined as follows: After the command MENUITEM follows the text of the item in double quotation marks, then a comma, and finally the identifier for the menu command. A list with all identifiers can be found in Windows Commander uses this file to translate identifiers to numbers. You should open this file with notepad and print if you plan to change the main menu. In the menu item text, the characters \t will be converted to a tabstop. Example for a menu item:

MENUITEM "&Pack...\tALT+F5", cm_PackFiles

- With the command MENUITEM SEPARATOR you can add a horizontal line.

- Every POPUP menu ends with the command END_POPUP. Example:

POPUP "&Files"
MENUITEM "&Change attributes...", cm_SetAttrib
MENUITEM "&Pack...\tALT+F5", cm_PackFiles
POPUP "&More commands"
MENUITEM "&Associate...", cm_associate
MENUITEM "&Calculate occupied space...", cm_GetFileSpace

Special commands:

- With the command STARTMENU you insert the menu Starter at the actual position in the main menu bar.

- With the command HELP_BREAK you insert a break in the main menu. After that break, all menus will be right adjusted. Note: STARTMENU cannot follow directly after HELP_BREAK!


All identifiers start with the letters cm_ (abbr. for command). Identifiers which start with cm_src act upon the source directory. Identifiers with cm_left act on the left, with cm_right on the right directory window.

Only identifiers which are in can be used! You can also directly specify the numbers given in However, the file must be present at runtime if you want to use an external menu.

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